At the beginning of both sports and business, no one is zero and novices.

With my father's network, who served as FCT Minister in 1983 and also in the Senate from 1992 to 1998, and had close relations with the current president. Which is a great asset, but due to not knowing how to engage this opportunity? Four years passed in no time to understand how to go about it. DMDSL decided to engage with the Japanese business partners. However, in 2019, we made rapid progress by meeting a few people in Japan. Ms. Junko Sakyo, an international journalist who is currently the Vice President of DMD, Nigeria. In Japan, we organized communication with key national politicians and promoted new domestic transactions. Though this is the beginning for DMDSL, we believe with the steps we have taken. There are new bridges to be built between Japan and Nigeria and the rest of the African countries. Through these encounters, will come futuristic developments.

CEO Mohammed Sanni Dantoro